Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Whitish in pregnant women

Whitish which in medical terms is called fluor albus or leucorrhoea a discharge from the vagina. Discharge can occur in any woman, regardless of age. Three-quarters of women in the world expected to experience a vaginal discharge at least once in his life. Pregnant women also often have vaginal discharge during pregnancy.
According to Drs. dr. Dwiana Ocviyanti, Sp.OG from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of medicine / RSCM Jakarta, a woman more prone to vaginal discharge during pregnancy because of hormonal changes during pregnancy in which one effect is to increase the amount of fluid production and decrease in vaginal acidity, and there were also changes in digestive conditions. All of these affect the increased risk of vaginal discharge, especially those caused by fungal infection.
Discharge can be normal (physiologic) and abnormal (pathological). Under normal circumstances, the liquid that comes out tends to clear or slightly yellow and thick like mucus and is not accompanied by odor or itching. However, if the fluid that comes out along with odor, itching, pain when urinating or color is greenish or mixed with blood, then this can be considered abnormal.
Whiteness is often regarded as common and trivial thing for women. In addition, a sense of shame when having vaginal discharge often make women reluctant to consult a doctor. In fact, abnormal vaginal discharge due to infection that continues to cause health problems. In pregnant women, other than to disrupt the mother's health, also can affect the fetus.
Both women and pregnant women who experience abnormal vaginal discharge, clear Dr. Ovi, immediately went to the doctor so the doctor can examine them carefully to find out the cause of vaginal discharge and only then can provide appropriate treatment.
Things which Causing Whitish
Cause of vaginal discharge can be classified in two major categories, namely physiological and pathological. In physiological conditions, vaginal discharge can occur during pregnancy, before and after menstruation, when he gets sexually stimulated, as much physical activity, all of which did not result in additional complaints such as odor, itching, and discoloration.
While the pathological whiteness is caused by infection with microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and single-celled parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Can also be caused by irritation due to various reasons such as vaginal irritation due to cleaning agents, irritation during intercourse, use tampons, and contraceptive devices.
Infection with viruses, bacteria, and single-celled parasite is generally obtained during sexual activity. While the yeast infection Candida sp that normally exist in the gastrointestinal tract and vagina, can occur due to excessive growth due to various factors, one of which is the condition of pregnancy that cause the decrease of body immunity and also the vagina.
 Generally the most common cause of vaginal discharge in pregnant women is a fungal infection Candida sp. Pregnant women can develop vaginal discharge early pregnancy until the final trimester before birth. But the whitish due to fungal infection, will be more severe occurred in the last months of pregnancy because it appeared at that time the most high humidity vagina.
According to Drs. Ovi, has not occurred during labor and intact membranes, where the fetus is still protected by the amniotic membrane and amniotic fluid is sterile, there is generally no direct effect of vaginal infections that cause vaginal discharge in the fetus. But if there is still an infection during labor, the impact of whiteness that occurs depends on the cause, where the baby will be the contact with the cause of vaginal discharge.
For example, Chlamydia infection can occur miscarriage to premature labor (preterm labor). Herpes simplex virus infection can cause inflammation in the baby's brain (encephalitis). Fungal infections Candida sp can increase the risk of epilepsy (epilepsy). Infection with the HPV virus can cause the occurrence of laryngeal papilloma in infants that causes respiratory and digestive disorders baby to death. Neisserea gonorrhoeae bacterial infection can cause eye infections in babies until blindness occurs.
In the abnormal vaginal discharge caused by infection, of course ongoing infection and is dependent cause, can damage the health of pregnant women. For example in case of Chlamydia infection in pregnancy, fetal membrane rupture may occur before the time of delivery. This lead to the occurrence of infection in the fetus and also in the mother that can cause severe infection to death.
In a normal vaginal discharge is okay to have sex. But the condition is there is a problem especially when the problem is infection, then sexual intercourse should be avoided until the problem is completed.
Required on the part of couples therapy when the infection may have occurred also in the pair, in order to avoid ping-pong phenomenon. Called ping-pong phenomenon due to infection in women who are also on her male partner re-infecting the woman after she was cured by previous treatment.
Questioning of vaginal washing fluid, according to Dr. Ovi, vaginal washing liquid antiseptic that is strong or when performed vaginal washing fluid intake in large numbers into the vagina (douche) can damage the normal vaginal flora, causing fungi and bacteria grow easily. So to choose vaginal washing liquid, Dr. Ovi recommend choosing who has the acidity in accordance with the vagina and its use only to the exterior of the vagina.

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