Friday, November 5, 2010

Benefit of Blueberi

Benefit of Blueberi
For along time ago, people believe, if blueberi is one of another fruits in the world which have some charectiristic and many benefits.

One of the benefits is make our memory more strong, people believe it if consumes blueberri make them who have low brain performance is going to be stronger. The researcher from Reading University, United Kingdom, has claims, if the people who have low brain performance consumes Blueberri periodicly and discipline, will increase their memory capacity.

Fruit which it known with large of amount flavonoid in a historical, believed can acted as antioksidan. Even another research is proving, if this essence can activating the part of brain who controlles Learned and Memory.
Dr Jeremy Spencer from Food Biosains of Reading Univesity says, " For along time the researchers knowing the potensions and the benefits of this fruit for people health".

"Our researchs result can prove it, if blueberri have benefit for increasing memory capacity of human, especially for the people who have low brain performance from born".

Jeremy said, that research finding will be publicated at  Free Radical Biology and Medicine Journal, will be continued to the next step research, for researching the effect of flavonoid  individually to the people who get low brain performance experience and probably suffers alzheimer.

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