Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to Use Introduction GUI MATLAB ?


  • Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • MatLab provides Graphical User Interface Development Environment(GUIDE)
  • lA MatLab tool used to create GUI’s
  • lDecide between using GUIDE or writing the code from scratch
  • lGUI’s give the user a simplified experience running a program
  • lAssociates a “function(s)” with components of the GUI
Graphical User Interface
  • GUI should be consistent and easily understood.
  • lProvide the user with the ability to use a program without having to worry about commands to run the actual program
  • lPossible components of a GUI
–List boxes

3 Essential Characteristics
  •    Components –
          - Graphical Components
- lpushbuttons, edit boxes, sliders, labels, menus, etc…
          - Static Components
- Frames, text strings,…
          - Both are created using the function uicontrol
  •          Figures – components are contained in figures
  •          Callbacks – The functions which perform the required action when a component is pushed 
GUIDE Properties
  •           Allows the user to drag and drop components that he/she wants in the “layout” area of the GUI
  •           All “guide” GUI’s start with an opening function
        - Callback is performed before user has access to GUI
  •           Saving automatically generates an .m file and .fig file
  •           .fig contains the binary GUI layout and .m contains the code that controls the GUI
 Assessing the Value of Your GUI
  •          Ask yourself two basic questions when designing your GUI
         - Do the users always know where they are? 
                  - Do they always know where to go next? 
Constantly answering these two questions will help you keep in perspective the goal of your GUI. 
Callback Editor  
The “meat” of the GUI process
lOpening function is first callback in every “guide” generated GUI
lUsually used to generate data used in GUI
lCallbacks define what will happen when a figure component is selected
lMust write CODE!!!!
- Utilize Functions
    - Surf, Mesh, Contour
       > Types of plots performed on data in example
    - Peaks 
       > peaks is a function of two variables, obtained by translating and scaling Gaussian distributions 
    - Membrane
    - Sinc 
      > sinc computes the sinc function of an input vector or array, where the sinc function is 


> At command prompt type “guide”
> After laying out your GUI in the layour editor
> Define data in Opening Function
> Edit/Align your components using
    - Tools Menu
       - Align
    - View menu
       - Property Inspector
> Write the Callbacks
    - This is the most difficult aspect when creating GUI’s

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