Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 Most Rare Diseases. So what is that ?

Severe diseases such as diabetes, cancer, stroke or heart already widely known. But actually there are other diseases that fairly rare. Disease What is it?
As reported by the DiscoveryHealth, following 10 of the world's rarest diseases are most related to the nerve:

1. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)    PML is a neurological disorder characterized by destruction of myelin, the protective sheath surrounding
    nerve fibers in the central nervous system and spinal cord.    The disease is caused by the JC virus. This virus was found in 85 percent of the adult population in general,
    but the virus remains inactive as long as people remain healthy and strong immune system. PML occurs in 1
    in 200,000 people.

2. Paraneoplastic neurologic Syndromes (PNS)    PNS is a condition that affects the nervous system, namely brain, spinal cord, nerves are also muscle. The
    term 'paraneoplastic' means nerve syndrome is not caused by the tumor itself, but by an autoimmune
    reaction that produces the tumor. In many patients, the immune response can cause damage to the nervous
    system that far exceeds the damage done to the tumor.

3. Dercum Disease    Dercum disease is a rare disorder, characterized by a growth of fat tissue (lipoma) is painful. This growth
    usually occurs on the hands, upper arms, upper legs, also under the skin (subcutaneous).    Dercum disease often causes great pain. In some cases, affected individuals may also experience weight
    gain, depression, lethargy, and confusion. The exact cause of Dercum disease is not known.

4. Fahr Disease    Fahr disease is a degenerative nerve disorder that rarely occurs. It is characterized by deposits    abnormal calcium (calcification) and associated cell loss in specific regions of the brain, such as ganglia    basalt.    Fahr disease can cause damage to cognitive abilities (dementia), loss of ability motor, muscle stiffness, 
    paralysis and even blindness.

5. Devic disease    Neuromyelitis Optica or Devic disease is a chronic disorder characterized by inflammation of nerve tissue
    in the optic nerve (optic neuritis) and inflammation of the spinal cord (mielitis). In the early stages, the
    symptoms of Devic disease may be similar to multiple sclerosis.

6. Tardive Dyskinesia (TD)    TD is a spontaneous neurological movement disorder caused by the use of dopamine receptor drugs to
    treat mental conditions or specific digestion. Long-term use of these drugs may produce biochemical
    abnormalities in the brain region known as the striatum.    Distonia dyskinesia is a more severe form of TD, which swirling motion over the neck and trunk muscles
    that stand out more slowly.

7. Landau Kleffner Syndrome (LKS)    LKS is characterized by loss of verbal comprehension and expression of language (aphasia), in  
    cooperation with electroencephalic (EEG) is abnormal, causing seizures.

8. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (A1AD)    A1AD is derived disorder characterized by low levels of a protein called alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT) which
    is found in the blood.    Lack of A1AT allows substances that break down protein (proteolytic enzymes) to attack various body
    tissues. This led to changes that damage the lungs (emphysema) and also can affect the liver and skin.

9. Or cyclic vomiting syndrome Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS)    CVS is a rare disorder characterized by recurrent nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting usually lasts
    for several hours or even days. Other symptoms are a pale, listless, abdominal pain and headaches. The
    exact cause of cyclic vomiting syndrome is unknown.
10. Spinal Muscular atrophy (SMA)   SMA group of inherited disorders characterized by the loss of certain nerve cells called motor neurons.
   Motor neurons transmit nerve impulses from the brain or spinal cord (brain stem) in the muscle or gland
   tissue.   The loss of motor neurons causes progressive muscle weakness and muscle waste (atrophy) of muscles 
   such as shoulders, hips and back. These muscles needed for crawling, walking, sitting and head control.  
   More severe type of SMA can affect the muscles involved in eating, swallowing and breathing.

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