Sunday, November 28, 2010

Patents in Trade Law

PatentsPatent SubjectsThe subject is the inventor of Patent Rights and Patent Holder.The inventor is a person or several people who jointly carry out activities that produce the invention. While the patent holder is the inventor as the patent owner or the person receiving such rights from the patent owner or other person who receives more rights than those mentioned above, which is registered in the Register of Patents.
Object PatentThe discovery (invention) is the object of a patent, ie a specific problem-solving activities in technology, which can be either the process or the production or refining and process development or production. An invention is considered new, if at the time of filing the patent application is not the same invention or are not part of previous findings. Can be requested in the form of simple patent for his invention of new products or processes and have the quality of a simple invention but it has practical utility value. However, adapembatasan granting patents. Article & Law on Patents outlined that the patent was not granted to:

  • The findings about the process or outcome of the announcement of production and the use or practice contrary to the laws and regulations that enforce public order or morality.
  • The discovery of the method of examination, care, treatment and surgery applied to humans and animals, but did not reach any of the products used in or associated with these methods, as well as
  • The discovery of the theory and methods in the field of knowledge and mathematics.

Patent TermGenerally the period of validity of patents is 20 years from the date of filing of the patent (Article 9). Especially for simple patent granted sampai10 year period from the date granted Letters Patent Simplified (Article 10).

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