Thursday, November 25, 2010

The 1st 3D Video TV without 3D glases in the World

2 model TV that can display 3D effects without using the glasses will be introduced by the Japanese electronics giant Toshiba. According to the report, the company has developed a method of radiation from various angles to create the stereoscopic effect. This technology will reportedly work on viewers regardless of the angle where they see the TV screen. This television will cost several thousand dollars. The company is already launched their TV 3D glasses earlier this year, but a lot of complaints from their customers who claim that their glasses make eye irritation. 
The world's first 3D TV that without using special glasses (3D). Toshiba has dilunsurkan ileh which is crystal high definition television in the 3D view. Tokyo-based company hopes this could be a breakthrough with the launch of 3D TV. The REGZA GL1 TV Series that combine digital images with a double convex sheet to create images full of depth from any angle by using the parallax
Toshiba REGZA 20GL1 will be sold at a price: ¥ 240,000 ($ 2.885) with Resolution: 1280 x 720 Pixcel.Toshiba REGZA 12GL1 will be sold at a price: ¥ 120,000 ($ 1.443) with Resolution: 466 x 350 Pixcel

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