Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bermuda Triangle, The Mystery Sea Untill Now

Bermuda Triangle (English: Bermuda Triangle), sometimes called Satan's Triangle is an area of the Atlantic ocean in an area of 1.5 million or 4 million km2 mil2 line shape triangle between Bermuda, the British territory as a point in the north, Puerto Rico, the territory of the United States as a point on the south and Miami, the state of Florida, the United States as a point on the west.

Very mysterious Bermuda Triangle. Often there is the issue of the paranormal in the area stating the reason for the loss of ships passing events. There are also saying that it is the natural phenomenon that should not be across the region. Some are even saying that it was all due to act of extraterrestrials

Early history

At the time of Christopher Columbus voyage, when it crossed the Bermuda Triangle area, said one of his crew saw "a strange light berkemilau on the horizon". Some people say they have observed something like a meteor. In his notes he writes that the navigational equipment was not functioning properly while he was in the area.

it looks scary face yah ..
please smile sir! heheehee...

Loss events in the area was first documented in 1951 by EVW Jones from the Associated Press magazine. Jones wrote an article about the events that befall the mysterious loss of aircraft and sea in the area and call it 'Satan's Triangle'. It diungit back the following year by Fate Magazine with articles that made George X. In 1964, Vincent Geddis calling area as the 'Bermuda Triangle of the deadly', after the term 'Bermuda Triangle' a term commonly called.

Elucidation of dubious

* Response from some peopleMarine insurance company Lloyd's of London claimed that the Bermuda triangle is not a dangerous seas and oceans the same as usual throughout the world, provided it does not carry freight beyond the provision when through the region. The Coast Guard confirmed the decision. The explanation is considered reasonable, plus the number of observation and investigation of cases.
* Methane GasAnother explanation of the disappearance of several events of aircraft and ships under mysterious is the presence of methane gas in the waters. This theory was first published for 1981 by the United States Geological Investigation Agency. This theory was successfully tested in the laboratory and the results satisfy some people on a reasonable explanation about the mysterious disappearance of planes and ships that pass in the area.

* Another explanationSome say the Bermuda Triangle because it is a base where UFO group of outer space creatures / aliens who do not want disturbed by humans, so that any vehicle passing through the territory would be exploited and abducted. Some say that the cause is because of the source of the biggest magnets are embedded in the earth beneath the Bermuda Triangle, so that the metal tons and tonpun may be attracted to the inside. And some say even the Bermuda Triangle is the central meeting point between the flow of cold water with hot water flow, which will result in a large whirlpool / terrible.

* Space Time TheoryAccording to some researchers, perhaps this region there is an atmospheric disturbance in the air in the form of a hole in that hole langit.Ke aircraft entered without able to get out again. From the mystery of "Hole in the Sky" is forming a theory about the existence of such a nexus between the world with another dimension. hole in the sky was considered a kind of means of transportation, as seen in Star Trek. Or a hole in the sky was the UFO? People often link the loss of our aircraft with the appearance of UFOs. So, whether the loss was because they were abducted by a UFO? In fact, the results just got a question without an answer.
* Blue HoleIt is said that on the sea floor there is a kind of Bermuda triangle hole / cave bottom of the sea, this cave was indeed really there, but setelahjaman ice passes, inside this cave tertutup.Arus very strong and often create a powerful vortex suction. many small ships or man is sucked into the blue hole was without power, and surprisingly small ships that exploited it will come back to sea after a long time. But that begs the question is: Could the Blue Hole is able to swallow a giant ship to the bottom of the ocean?

* Tongue Ocean MysteriesBermuda Triangle area is often also referred to as the Tongue of the Ocean or Sea Aloe Lautan.Lidah have underwater abyss (canyon). There were several accidents there. Not much is yet known about the Bermuda Triangle, so people connected with the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is another mystery. For example, the mystery of the Sea Dragon has ever appeared in the Cape Ann, Massachusetts USA, in August 1917. Could this sea dragon heavy toll? Or Cromwell in the Pacific Ocean currents that cause the ocean wave there or hurricanes, earthquakes on the ocean floor? God only knows
* Mystery Creature SargassoAnother mystery that still has not been revealed is the mystery of the Sargasso Sea Creatures, which are not purely imaginary. In the Sargasso Sea, many ships that never gets to its destination and buried in the seabed. There gathered ships from various ages, treasure trove, the bodies of human bones. Wide Sargasso Sea of Mystery is 3650 km to 1825 km long and wide, and the strong currents flowing around it once, thus forming a vast vortex that rotates slowly clockwise. Based sea there are many mountains and has steep cliffs and canyons.
* TornadoPerhaps in this area often occur sea storms that might form a swirling wind which can lead to the destruction of an aircraft because terhempaskan.Although several theories thrown, but no satisfactory reason such as the emergence of additional foreign bodies shine that surround the plane before it lost contact with control tower and the plane disappeared.

Famous events

Flight 19

One of the stories of the famous and long-lasting in many cases about the mysterious disappearance of planes and ships that pass in the Bermuda triangle is Flight 19. Flight 19 is an air force unit of five naval bombers United States.

The flight was last seen during takeoff in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on December 5, 1945. The planes of Flight 19 made systematically by people who are aviation and marine experts to deal with bad situations, but suddenly easily disappear after submitting a report on the symptoms that weird views, is considered unreasonable.
Because the airplanes on Flight 19 are designed to float in the ocean for a long time, then the cause of the loss is considered because the flight was still floating in the ocean waiting for a calm sea and clear sky. 
After that, the rescue team sent to pick up the flight, but it is not just airplane Flight 19 that has not been found, rescuers also disappeared. Because the accident in this navy mysterious, it is considered the "cause and the reason is unknown."

KC-135 disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

The loss of two KC-135 tankers heifers U.S. Air Force at 900 miles northeast of Miami in 1963, adding dark mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Due Vile vortices, magnetism, or a secret U.S. project?

Tanker KC-135 Tanker fat like this is missing
above the waters of the Bermuda Triangle on 1963./Foto: NASA

That day, Wednesday, August 28, 1963. Sebagimana other routine tasks, two fuel suppliers on the KC-135 air ready to be asked to fly anywhere. And, during the day without feeling any burden, they sauntered away after receiving orders to fly to the Atlantic Ocean. With 25,000 gallons of high octane jet fuel belly, they were tasked to refuel a U.S. military plane in the air. Off from his base in Lanud Homestead, Florida, with a cruising speed of 600 miles per hour, they then pursue their prey to a predetermined location. Radio contact occurred when the pilot reported at position 900 miles northeast of Miami, about noon. But after that the two tankers sehaga four million dollars was as if swallowed by the sky. Both aircraft with 11 crew members suddenly vanished away. 

After the tower Homestead wait until the deadline of arrival (ETA) at 14:00 hours local time the two did not appear, NOTAM that both lost in the task was distributed. The only successful initial traces obtained are reports of other KC-135 pilots who had already landed. The pilot said that they had passed in the air at around 15:00 local time. They just disappeared after filling the tank two B47 bombers of U.S. Air Force jet over the Atlantic.
Anticipating the second disappearance stratotanker, the Homestead air base was immediately mobilized a search effort. About 24 aircraft were deployed to 900 miles northeast of Miami, the location where the last contact occurred. But until the middle of the night was a broken and a suspicious object was found. The next day, the search re-deployed. Times that the strength doubled, and four ships seeker U.S. Coast Security Forces (U.S. Coast Guard) supporting. But the results remain the same. Nil. According to the procedure, temporarily halted the search for and report on the loss of two KC-135 was released to various parties. Including the various media publications and television broadcasts.
Beyond expectations, two days after the incident, a U.S. Air Force-owned aircraft suddenly saw the trail still lay in the sea around the position of the suspect. And when approached, it turns out there they found the pilot's helmet, life jacket, navigation card, cockpit panels, and other equipment believed to be scattered KC-135 that Nahas. Not long later found again another shattered allegedly belonging to the second KC-135. Because of the distance scattered with one another about 160 miles, the theory that the two aircraft collided in the air like that was widely discussed even 'fall'.
Then what caused the two aircraft were both destroyed in a suspected the same time at a decent distance rather far apart? The theory of engine damage is very difficult to reconcile with the level koinsidensinya very small. Did external factors?

Chronology of some famous events

* 1840: HMS Rosalie* 1872: The Mary Celeste, one of the greatest mystery of the disappearance of several ships in the Bermuda triangle* 1909: The Spray* 1917: SS Timandra* 1918: USS Cyclops (AC-4) disappeared in the stormy sea, but before leaving the control tower to say that the sea was calm, not possible storm, very good for shipping* 1926: SS Suduffco missing in bad weather* 1938: HMS Anglo Australian disappear. Though the report said the weather was very calm day* 1945: Flight 19 disappeared* 1952: British York transport plane lost with 33 passengers* 1962: U.S. Air Force KB-50, a tanker, disappeared* 1970: French ship goods, Milton Latrides disappeared; sailed from New Orleans to Cape Town.* 1972: German Ship, Anita (20,000 tons), disappeared with 32 crew* 1976: SS Sylvia L. Ossa disappeared in the sea 140 miles west of Bermuda.* 1978: Douglas DC-3 Argosy Airlines Flight 902, disappeared after takeoff and lost radio contact* 1980: SS Poet; sailed to Egypt, disappeared in the storm* 1995: Ship Jamanic K (made in 1943) were reported missing after going through Cap Haitien* 1997: The mariner disappear from German yacht* 1999: Freighter Genesis disappeared after sailing from Port of Spain to St Vincent.


In principle, this Bermuda triangle region can already be explored in science. This region is the biggest gathering of heat currents and cold currents. This meeting not only produce kinetic energy field with extraordinary powers. That said, if this energy field can be empowered, it is suppose to be the cleanest source of energy and without limits. The problem is, many people who know are still closed to the secret behind this region. The question is, why it should be called a triangle?

10 most mysterious people in the world

1. Green Children of Woolpit

Green Children of Woolpit (2 green children of Woolpit) are two children who mysteriously appeared in the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England in the 12th century. The girls were sisters, and have skin that is green (Hulk ???). In addition to the green skin, both the child have a normal appearance as humans most. They spoke a strange language that is not recognized and did not want to eat anything except green peas.After a long run, both the child's skin loses its green color and a normal color like the color of human skin in general. After studying English, they explained that they came from a village called "St. Martin "which is a dark place because the sun does not shine there. When he was herding cattle owned by their father, they found a river of light and followed it, until suddenly they were in Woolpit. Some theories claim that the second child is a child from another dimension, or aliens from outer space.
2. Gil Perez 

Gil Perez is a Spanish soldier who suddenly appeared in Mexico on October 26, 1593. He wore uniform Del Gobernador Palace guards in the Philippines. He claimed that he did not know how all of a sudden he was in Mexico (hmm ... maybe he was the first jumper in the world = P). He said, before abruptly in Mexico, he was on duty at the Palace Del Gobernador and said that the current governor of the Philippines, Don Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas just been murdered.Two months later, a ship arrived from the Philippines to Mexico carrying several passengers. The passengers in question confirmed the story of Gil Perez that the Governor of the Philippines was recently killed. Even one of his passengers. One passenger ships and even declare that he recognizes Perez and view it in the Philippines on October 23, (o_O). After that, Perez then returned to the Philippines and continues to live there until the end.
3. Man In The Iron Mask.

Hmm .. sound familiar?No, we're not talking about Leonardo Caprio or movie Man In The Iron Mask played by him. Apparently the film is inspired by a mysterious figure in France.Man In The Iron Mask (Died November 1973) is a prisoner incarcerated in a prison in France (including the legendary prison, the Bastille) in the reign of King Louis XIV. The identity of this man never be known because no one ever saw his face hidden in a brown leather mask. Now we know that since time immemorial, people like to exaggerate a story because the stories in circulation, we are told that the mask is made of steel that became the beginning of the nickname given to him.According to the letter given to the head of the Prison in Pignerol (Bénigne Dauvergne de Saint-Mars) where the first man in prison, a man's name was Eustache Dauger. The letter also instructed to set up a cell which is coated with multiple doors (to prevent people from outside to hear a voice from inside the cell). It also said that if the man talking to someone other than for matters related to personal needs (example: "warden .. I want be'ol ..!!" = P), he would be killed instantly. Until now no one knows who the true identity of this man but there are some rumors saying that he was the brother of Louis XIV, son of King Charles II, diplomats from Italy, and others.
4. Count of St. Germain

Count of St. Germain, who allegedly died on February 27, 1784 was an aristocrat, adventurer, scientist and amateur violinist, composer, and a mysterious. He also showed some skills related to chemistry. Myths, legends and speculations about the St. Germain continued to expand in the late 19th century and early 20th century and continues to this day. Among them there is the belief that St. Germain is an immortal (eternal life), a chemist who has the "Elixir of Life" (Liquid Eternity), and had predicted the French Revolution.Since his death, many Occult organizations that make it as a respected role model, and some even worship him. Not a few also claim as St. Germain, or is the incarnation of St. Germain.
5. D. B. Cooper

D.B. Cooper aka Dan Cooper is the pseudonym used by a famous and mysterious plane hijacker who on November 24, 1971, after receiving a ransom of $ 200,000, jumping off the back of the plane Boeing 727 which pirated by him. On piracy action, Cooper took a bag containing the bomb and threatened to blow it up, if he was not given a sum of $ 200,000 and 2 sets of parachutes.Cooper not seen since that and nobody known whether he survived the jump. In 1980, an 8-year-old child found the money as much as $ 5.800 dollars in denominations $ 20 on the banks of the Columbia River in the United States. Serial code found in the same money with the money given to Cooper as the ransom money.Cooper escape from the rear of the aircraft using a parachute, causing airports began using metal detectors to prevent the same thing happen again.
6. Fulcanelli

Fulcanelli is the pseudonym of French chemists in the late 19th century whose identity is still unknown. Much mystery surrounds him, but one of the most famous rumor is a story stating how beloved disciple (Eugene Canseliet) managed to change 100 grams of lead into gold by using a little powder given to him by Fulcanelli.It is believed that during World War II German intelligence incentive to do a search to find Fulcanelli because of his knowledge in the field of nuclear weapons. Fulcanelli never met an atomic experts from France and provides detailed information relating to nuclear technology and claims that atomic weapons had been used by humans since many years ago.According Canseliet (Fulcanelli student), his last meeting with Fulcanelli was in 1953 in Spain. At that meeting, Fulcanelli a 80-year-old should grow younger, and looks like a man aged 50 years (O_O). The meeting itself is quite short, and Fulcanelli again disappeared from the public for good.
7. Kaspar Hauser

On May 26, 1828, a teenager seen on the street in Nuremberg, Germany. He carried a letter addressed to the Captain of the 6th Regiment Kavalry Germany. Author mysterious letter brought by Hauser stated that the child was given to him to be detained since she was a baby, on October 7, 1812, and since then the child is confined to the house the man. Hauser claimed that since he can remember something, he was locked up alone in a dark room measuring 2 × 1 × 1.5 meter with a bed of straw as a bed and wooden rocking horse is carved by hand as a toy. Hauser also claims that the first person to interact with a mysterious man who visited him shortly before he was released, which is always careful to keep his face is not visible by Hauser.According to rumors, Hauser is the prince of Baden who was born on September 29, 1812 and died a month later. It was claimed that the prince had been switched with a dying baby, the original prince was Hauser who appeared 16 years later in Nuremberg. In 2002, the University of Munster conduct DNA analysis that compares the DNA Hauser and Stephanie de Beauharnais is rumored as the Mother of Hauser (Queen of Baden). The results showed that DNA sequences are not identical but the deviation is not shown too much so can not be concluded that they did not have blood relations.
8. Babushka lady

Babushka Lady is a nickname given to the figure of a mysterious woman who looks as president of the United States of the murder, John F. Kennedy. Women are seen wearing a long brown coat, and scarf on the head, as is commonly used by older women in Russia. Scarf tersebutlah which initiated a nickname that is attached to her babushka (Russian babushka is a language for grandmother or older women). Women are seen holding something in his face, which is believed to be a camera. He looks at some photos that capture the scene of the murder. Even after the crowd has ended, he still looks in there and take pictures with his camera. Moments later, the FBI requested through a public announcement for babushka lady handed his camera shots (perhaps for purposes of investigation), but he never appeared again to the public.In 1970, a woman named Beverly Oliver, claimed as the babushka lady. However, because the story contains many irregularities and inconsistencies, he is believed to be a false figure who wants to ride to fame = P Until now no one knows who the actual figure of babushka lady, what she was doing at the scene of the murder and the reason he did not want to give up shots camera.
9. The Poe Toaster

The Poe Toaster (People who make a toast to Poe) is the nickname given to a mysterious figure who gave homage to the renowned American writer, Edgar Allan Poe by visiting his grave every year on Poe's birthday (19 January). Respect for the tradition started in 1949, a century after the death of Edgar Allan Poe (1849).Every morning on January 19, a figure dressed in dark untidy visit the tomb of Poe in Baltimore, Maryland. The figure is then raised a glass of cognac to toast (toast). Before leaving the tomb, he placed three red roses and cognac bottle filled with half living in the tomb of Poe. 3 roses are believed to be symbolic tribute to Poe, Virginia (Poe's wife) and Maria Clemm (Poe-in-law) who are buried in the same tomb. While the intent of a half bottle of cognac itself is still unknown. The tradition is carried out by the Poe Toaster was still continued until now, but believed that it was not done by the same person (probably inherited by descendants of the original Poe Toaster.)
10. Monsieur Chouchani

Monsieur Chouchani (died in 1968) is the nickname or the name of the nickname given to the figure of the Jewish teachers who teach some students in Europe after World War 2. Most students then managed to become prominent figures, such as Emanuel Levinas (Philosophers from France, the picture as seen on the side), and Elie Wiesel (Jewish Writer, Nobel Peace Prize in 1986). Very little is known about Chouchani, including whose real name is still mysterious.No physical work (such as writing, publications, books, etc.) from Chouchani, but he left a legacy of extraordinary intellectual through his disciples. Chouchani an eccentric figure, dressed like a bum, but has a very broad knowledge of them in the field of science, mathematics, philosophy and Talmud in particular. In general, details about the life and writings Chouchani obtained through interviews with his students

8 strange and mysterious deaths in the world

1. The Roof FuckersIn 2007, a carpenter taxi found the body of a man and woman naked in a building in Colombia. Many believe that they died while having sex.
Strange 2.Jennifer 

Jennifer died when when trying to win the "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" on the radio, he died because drinking water very much but do not want to piss (karna keasikan follow-up quiz on the radio)
3.The Death StarcraftA Korean, Lee Seung Seop, collapsed and died after playing video games for 50 hours in the cafe.
4. Grizzly Man And His Girlfriend 

A dressing room is named Timothy Treadwell loved bears, to the extent that he lived in Alaska for a long weekend just to be close to the bears. In 2003, one of them killed and another bear that ate Timothy and killed his girlfriend.
5.The Pizza BomberA pizza deliveryman named Brian Wells called the police and admitted that now he was robbed by a man named Erie, Penn. He also said that now his neck was fitted with a bomb and will explode. Well its a bomb exploded and died. Four years after his death, police said Wells was actually the brains of the robbery. And still not known why he puts the real bomb around his neck.
6.Cher 's HubbyCher a U.S. House of Representatives passed away just hit the tree because when skating.
7.The Dumb Lawyer2003, after partying, Garry Hoy was a lawyer and a senior at work to the students wanted to show off his students how to solve the glass in the Toronto-Dominion Bank. He hit himself on the glass and fell. And was declared dead and really dead
8.R. Budd Dwyer

In the epidemic of 1987, treasure seekers from Pennsylvania, R. Budd Dwyer held a news conference to explain the alleged corruption case to him, he suddenly pulled his gun and put it right in his mouth and shot himself, and this happened on live on TV

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cheat for Sims 2, Lets play....!!!

The Sims 2 cheats

To access the 'Cheat' window press Ctrl + Shift + C then enter the following codes:

List cheats:
Help -all

Expands or contracts Cheat window:

Closes Cheat window:

Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect:

Increases game performance but lowers graphics:
Vsync (on/off)

Windowed mode:

Start with desired resolution (in pixels):
-r(width) x (height)

Fullscreen mode:

Disables sound:

Get 1000 Cash:

50,000 Simoleans:

Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest):slowmotion

Makes your Sims larger or smaller:

Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles:
Boolprop constrainFloorElevation false

Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles:
Boolprop constrainFloorElevation true

Turn on aging:
Aging on

Turn off aging:
Aging off

Turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures:
FaceBlendLimits (on/off)

You can invite more people to your parties:
IntProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8

Takes off censoring:
Intprop censorgridsize 0

You can tell what social reaction will happen before you do it:

Turns Postprocessing on:
BoolProp enablePostProcessing true

Turns Postprocessing off:
BoolProp enablePostProcessing false

Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood:
Boolprop carsCompact (True/False)

Set to true to show lot information:
Boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)

Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot:
Boolprop locktiles (True/False)

Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots:
Boolprop lotWater (True/False)

Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot:
Boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False)

Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False)

Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used:
Boolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False)

Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)

Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False)

Set to false to remove water from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False)

Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False)

Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False)

Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood:
Boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False)

Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside house:
Boolprop objectShadows (True/False)

Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house:
BoolProp guob (True/False)

Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim:
Boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False)

Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to:
BoolProp displayPaths (True/False)

Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at:
Boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False)

Toggle shadows on/off for Sims:
BoolProp simShadows (True/False)

In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted:
Boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False)

You can place objects outside the grid:
BoolProp snapObjectsToGrid (True/False)

Moves objects and deletes you couldnt before:
Moveobjects (on/off)

Lets you know if theres a patch:
Autopatch (on/off)

Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on):
Bloom rgb #

Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on):
Vignette # # #

Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on):
FilmGrain #

Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) (require postprocessing on):
LetterBox #

Remove every Sim from the neighborhood (neighborhood view only):

Toggle between the two terrain types (neighborhood view only):
TerrainType (desert/temperate)

Debug Mode:
Press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the Cheat menu then enter the following:
BoolProp testingCheatsEnabled true.

While in Create-a-Sim press Shift + N before creating your first Sim to enable skintones, clothes, and hairstles that would normally be used only by NPCs.

Press Shift + M to disable it. Bring up the Debug menu by presssing Shift + Click on a Sim while in Live mode.

Well, Have Fun....

10 Most Rare Diseases. So what is that ?

Severe diseases such as diabetes, cancer, stroke or heart already widely known. But actually there are other diseases that fairly rare. Disease What is it?
As reported by the DiscoveryHealth, following 10 of the world's rarest diseases are most related to the nerve:

1. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)    PML is a neurological disorder characterized by destruction of myelin, the protective sheath surrounding
    nerve fibers in the central nervous system and spinal cord.    The disease is caused by the JC virus. This virus was found in 85 percent of the adult population in general,
    but the virus remains inactive as long as people remain healthy and strong immune system. PML occurs in 1
    in 200,000 people.

2. Paraneoplastic neurologic Syndromes (PNS)    PNS is a condition that affects the nervous system, namely brain, spinal cord, nerves are also muscle. The
    term 'paraneoplastic' means nerve syndrome is not caused by the tumor itself, but by an autoimmune
    reaction that produces the tumor. In many patients, the immune response can cause damage to the nervous
    system that far exceeds the damage done to the tumor.

3. Dercum Disease    Dercum disease is a rare disorder, characterized by a growth of fat tissue (lipoma) is painful. This growth
    usually occurs on the hands, upper arms, upper legs, also under the skin (subcutaneous).    Dercum disease often causes great pain. In some cases, affected individuals may also experience weight
    gain, depression, lethargy, and confusion. The exact cause of Dercum disease is not known.

4. Fahr Disease    Fahr disease is a degenerative nerve disorder that rarely occurs. It is characterized by deposits    abnormal calcium (calcification) and associated cell loss in specific regions of the brain, such as ganglia    basalt.    Fahr disease can cause damage to cognitive abilities (dementia), loss of ability motor, muscle stiffness, 
    paralysis and even blindness.

5. Devic disease    Neuromyelitis Optica or Devic disease is a chronic disorder characterized by inflammation of nerve tissue
    in the optic nerve (optic neuritis) and inflammation of the spinal cord (mielitis). In the early stages, the
    symptoms of Devic disease may be similar to multiple sclerosis.

6. Tardive Dyskinesia (TD)    TD is a spontaneous neurological movement disorder caused by the use of dopamine receptor drugs to
    treat mental conditions or specific digestion. Long-term use of these drugs may produce biochemical
    abnormalities in the brain region known as the striatum.    Distonia dyskinesia is a more severe form of TD, which swirling motion over the neck and trunk muscles
    that stand out more slowly.

7. Landau Kleffner Syndrome (LKS)    LKS is characterized by loss of verbal comprehension and expression of language (aphasia), in  
    cooperation with electroencephalic (EEG) is abnormal, causing seizures.

8. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (A1AD)    A1AD is derived disorder characterized by low levels of a protein called alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT) which
    is found in the blood.    Lack of A1AT allows substances that break down protein (proteolytic enzymes) to attack various body
    tissues. This led to changes that damage the lungs (emphysema) and also can affect the liver and skin.

9. Or cyclic vomiting syndrome Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS)    CVS is a rare disorder characterized by recurrent nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting usually lasts
    for several hours or even days. Other symptoms are a pale, listless, abdominal pain and headaches. The
    exact cause of cyclic vomiting syndrome is unknown.
10. Spinal Muscular atrophy (SMA)   SMA group of inherited disorders characterized by the loss of certain nerve cells called motor neurons.
   Motor neurons transmit nerve impulses from the brain or spinal cord (brain stem) in the muscle or gland
   tissue.   The loss of motor neurons causes progressive muscle weakness and muscle waste (atrophy) of muscles 
   such as shoulders, hips and back. These muscles needed for crawling, walking, sitting and head control.  
   More severe type of SMA can affect the muscles involved in eating, swallowing and breathing.

10 Best in Indonesia of Golf Holes

Hole 7 ( Par 3 )
Nirwana Bali Golf Club ( 18 Hole )
Designer : Greg Norman

Hole 7 is the perfect assimilation between natural beauty and challenge, and is one of the dramatic holes in world golf. The tee is on the border of a canyon beach bay. Fail, and there's no mercy , as the ball falls 50 meters. strong wind is your main enemy . At speeds of between 10 and 20 knots in any direction, it poses a real challenge when directing the ball.

Hole 5 ( Par 4 )
Lake Course , Emeralda Golf & Country club ( 27 holes )
Designer : Arnold Palmer & Jack Nicklaus

Hole 5 is Emeralda's special hole. Viewed from the tee, the hole appears small, with downward sloping fairway adn bottlenecks. Players can't see straight down the fairway and alot of amateurs use a driver, when the most important thing is placing the ball to fall in the center of fairway. If your shot drifts to far left, it will hit the trees and you will have problems shooting for the green , as the trees block your view. The real challenge is finding comfortable positions to shoot the ball to the green.

Hole 11 ( Par 3)
BSD Course, Damai Indah Golf & Country Club ( 18 Holes )
Designer : Jack Nicklaus

Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) course has pleasant views, but long holes, strong winds and wide bunkers. From the tee on hole 11, thegreen seems wide and easy for placing the ball. However, many struggle when faced with the wide pool and challenging bunkers on the left - and a lot of  players use power to avoid the pool. Then even more problems await: strongnwinds from the right will force the ball leftwards, tempting the ball either to the bunker or water.

Hole 8 ( Par 3)
Old Course, jagorawi Golf & Country Club ( 18 Hole )
Designer : Thomson & Wolveridge

For almost three decades, Jagorawi Golf's Old Course has been one of  Asia's most challenging. Hole 8 is 163 meters from the blue tee, guarded by  a pool on the right side. You direct the ball to the left, yet the two meter wide fairway pushes new players to place the ball at hole 4 instead. when on the green, you have to see in which tier the pin  is placed. If it's on the top or middle, you have to really concentrate to avoid the ball  rolling too far.

Hole 7 ( Par 5)
Ocean course, Ria Bintan Golf Club

Ria Bintan's Ocen Course hole 7 (457 meters) is perharps the best in asia. While the hole's layout features a little dogleg on the right, those able to shoot over 250 meters can cut this directly. Otherwise, put the ball to the middle or left corner of the dogleg, while avoiding the bunkers. When taking your second shot, be aware of the lake on the front right green, and two bunkers on the  front left green. on the back green, there is a mountain which borders the green and the South China Sea. The beach view gives the hole an unforgettable quality, but may inhibit you from attacking teh pin.

Hole 4 (Par 3)
Southlinks Country Club (18 holes)
Designer : Hisamitsu Ohnishi

Ohnishi's design follow the contours of the land. Hole 4 is beautifull, with  a waterfall lending a soothing touch. The views from the right fairway give little impression of the trap sticking out in to the fairway. When teeing off, place the ball on the left side fairway, or straight on. Choose an eight iron for plcaing the ball in a secure position. But beware, the bunkers in front of the green are waiting. Shoot at a low trajectory, and the ball will roll to the back green where the jungle lies. Then you face the next Challenge-The green.

Hole 16 ( Par 4 )
The Lake, Ciputra Golf & Family Club ( 18 Hole, the Valley, the Lake, the Hill )
Designer : Andy Dye

At 400 meters, hole 16 on the Lake is one of of many holes which takes great skill. There are two water hazards on the left fairway to the green, whie the course has doglegs to the left. From the tee, concentrate on placement in the middle of the narrow fairway. Altough long, it feels shorter because the tee box is on a hill. The landing area of only 180 meters is no problem for players whose instinct is to attack the pin. The real challenge is taking the ball to the right. Don’t be surprised if you have to do a three-put, as getting a par score is tough here.

Hole 14 (Par 4)
Bukit Darmo Golf (18 hole)
Designer : Jack Nicklaus II

Bukit Darmo Golf provides lakes, earth and exotic landscapes. You face challenges on hole 14. Shooting from the tee, head to the right-middle to avoid the water on the left. Long hitters can cut straight past the river to land on the fairway behind the river. Then place the ball on the left of the green, to roll on. Then beware of the wind that blows towards the lake.

Hole 4 (Par 3)
Merapi Golf & Mountain Resort (18 Hole)
Designer : Thompson, Perret, & Wolveridge

Mount Merapi is the foundation of this course. When playing here, you can take in the beautiful view of Jogja City and the Indian Ocean. On hole 4, you have to face a narrow fairway, with a ravine to the right. There are several bunker on the left and right ready to trap you. Your putting skills will also be tested to the limit. Honestly, caused of Mount Merapi had gotten blow up for last several weeks, this course probably closedby government.

Hole 15 (Par 4)
Gombel Golf Semarang (18 Hole)

Gombel gof has been operating for just over a year now and hole 15 is a real challenge. On the right is a white pole, yes it’s risky to push the ball to the left. Besides the rough, this position is considered a blind hole, with no pin position visible. Mind you, you can enjoy the Semarang town views afterwards.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Trademark in Trade Law

Trademark RightsSubjects Trademark RightsThe subject mark rights is the registered trademark owner in the General Register of Marks for a period of time using its own brand or create a license to a person or persons jointly or a legal entity. Brand owners can consist of one person, or jointly or a legal entity.
Brand TypeTrademark Law recognize three kinds of brands, namely Trademarks, Service Marks and Collective Marks. Trademarks are marks used on goods that are traded by a person or persons jointly or a legal entity to distinguish with other similar items. Brand Services is the brand used on services that are traded by a person or persons jointly or a legal entity to distinguish with other similar services. While Collective Brands is a brand that is used on goods or services with the same characteristics that are traded by several persons or legal entities together to distinguish the goods or other similar services. Especially for a collective mark, some scholars such as Saidin (1995) considers that it can be categorized as a kind of brand, because the collective mark is actually made up of service marks and trademarks.
Duration of Trademark ProtectionRegistered Trademark get legal protection for a period of 10 years and with retroactive effect from the date of receipt of application for registration of the mark concerned (Pasal7). Brand protection period can be extended every time for the same period, at the request of the owner of the brand. The request was addressed to the Trademark Office and shall be submitted in writing by the owners or their proxies within a period of at least 6 months and not more than 12 months before the expiry of the period of protection for registered trademarks (Article 36).

Patents in Trade Law

PatentsPatent SubjectsThe subject is the inventor of Patent Rights and Patent Holder.The inventor is a person or several people who jointly carry out activities that produce the invention. While the patent holder is the inventor as the patent owner or the person receiving such rights from the patent owner or other person who receives more rights than those mentioned above, which is registered in the Register of Patents.
Object PatentThe discovery (invention) is the object of a patent, ie a specific problem-solving activities in technology, which can be either the process or the production or refining and process development or production. An invention is considered new, if at the time of filing the patent application is not the same invention or are not part of previous findings. Can be requested in the form of simple patent for his invention of new products or processes and have the quality of a simple invention but it has practical utility value. However, adapembatasan granting patents. Article & Law on Patents outlined that the patent was not granted to:

  • The findings about the process or outcome of the announcement of production and the use or practice contrary to the laws and regulations that enforce public order or morality.
  • The discovery of the method of examination, care, treatment and surgery applied to humans and animals, but did not reach any of the products used in or associated with these methods, as well as
  • The discovery of the theory and methods in the field of knowledge and mathematics.

Patent TermGenerally the period of validity of patents is 20 years from the date of filing of the patent (Article 9). Especially for simple patent granted sampai10 year period from the date granted Letters Patent Simplified (Article 10).

Copyright in Trade Law

Copyright SubjectThe subject of copyright is the creator and copyright holder. Creator is a person or persons jointly upon whose inspiration was born of a creation based on the ability of the mind, imagination, dexterity, skill or expertise manifested in a unique and personal. While the Copyright Holder is the Creator as a Copyright Owner or other person receive more rights than those mentioned above. Which is considered as the Creator is the person whose name is listed in the General Register of Works and the official announcement of the registration at the Department of Justice, and the persons whose names are mentioned in the creation or announced as the creator State holds the Copyright on the work of improvement prehistory, history and other national cultural bodies. State also holds the copyright on authorship of the following foreign countries: the culture of the people who belong together like a story, saga, myth, legend, chronicle, songs, handicrafts, choreography, dance, calligraphy and other artwork preserved and protected by the State. When an unknown creature creator and creation is not yet published, the State holds the Copyright of creation for the benefit of its creator.
Object of CopyrightObject Creation Copyright is the result of every work of the Creator in the form of a distinctive and shows originality in the field of science, art and literature. Creation is protected in the fields of science, art and literature that includes works:

  • Books, computer programs, pamphlets, typographical arrangement arrangement of a published work and all other written works
  • Sermons, lectures, speeches and other creations which are manifested by way of spoken
  • Props created for the benefit of education and science knowledge
  • Creation songs or music with or without text, including musicians and sound recordings.
  • Drama, dance (choreography), puppet shows, pantomime
  • Performance work.
  • Work release
  • Fine art in all forms of painting, drawing, carving, calligraphy, sculpture, sculpture, collage, applied arts in the form of art handicraft.
  • Architecture
  • Map
  • Batik art
  • Photography and Cinematography
  • Translation, interpretation, adaptation, potpourri and other works of the adaptations.
Copyright TermCopyright The validity period varies between 25 to 50 years. For photographic works and per-wajahan of a published work is valid for 25 years and copyright in the creation valid for 50 years. While Copyright is held or conducted by the State force indefinitely. Unless the copyright provided for in Article 10A paragraph 1, is valid for 50 years.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Learn the Chords "A"

For 1st step to be a guitarist, you must be know about Guitar chords, now it's the right time for you to learn it.
So, let's we start from "A", here you are all kinds of chord "A" :

Any Question???

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